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brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio

sam's Photo
 January 23,2023 @ 11:25 : permalink

I've tightened up a notch in my belt! Soon, I'm going to need new pants.


recent posts from blogs Sam follows

How to Reset Raspberry Pi Password

Resetting a forgotten Raspberry Pi OS password is not too complicated. Here's what you need to do.

via It's FOSS August 30, 2024

Rust for Linux revisited

Ugh. Drew’s blogging about Rust again. – You I promise to be nice. Two years ago, seeing the Rust-for-Linux project starting to ge…

via Drew DeVault's blog August 30, 2024

postmarketOS in 2024-08: Pixel 3A with Camera, Self-hosted GitLab, Events

As always it is amazing to meet up in person. The photo above was taken at FrOSCon last weekend, where postmarketOS folks took p…

via postmarketOS Blog August 25, 2024

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