sam ✅🇬🇪

I like , software, , , . Maybe other things too.

This instance is running on and so will not display any metrics on those I follow or my followers.
HomeMarion, IL, USA
2nd HomeTbilisi and Bodbe, Georgia

sabunia »

This is a very good and informative piece done by PBS. Explains everything you need to know about and there.

Mark Mullen »

Georgia's ruling party, the Russian puppet regime "Georgian Dream", is showing who they truly are. Openly cutting ties with the West, specifically the EU, so they can once again make Georgia an autocratic Russian colony. The people of Georgia are having none of it and the regime is beating them to a pulp. The regime is also targeting journalists because they are embarrassed and afraid of the world and the Georgian people seeing who they really are. But we see.

Young woman facing a police line in Tbilisi at night with smoke, wrapped in an EU flag waving a Georgian flag.

Alt...Young woman facing a police line in Tbilisi at night with smoke, wrapped in an EU flag waving a Georgian flag.

Leah Rowe is not a Rowebot »

Libreboot T480 and Libreboot M920 coming soon, on

If anyone still wants Haswell (4th gen) T440p, W541, 9020 etc, order now. It'll be gone soon (won't be deleted from Libreboot, only minifree).

Libreboot replaces proprietary BIOS/UEFI firmware. I run the project; Minifree sales fund the work.

I'm doing a new Libreboot release soon, with ThinkPad T480 and ThinkCentre M920q support. Intel 8th gen. They'll replace the Intel 4th gen (Haswell) machines that I currently sell.


Colin Cogle »

@libreleah Nice. I might upgrade my T470. It’s got everything I want except Libreboot (due to Boot Guard).

Athena boosted

Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog »

Where do you live?

In the United States:219
Out of the United States:399
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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

currently in, but next year out

edit: my move isn't about politics. Looks like things are not going to be much better where I'm going.


Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog »

@sam fascism is definitely on the rise globally.

A2 Engineering Services »

Dear Supplier, if you send me an email containing the words "black" and "Friday", my mail server will first send it to an aggressive cross-cut shredder, then set fire to it, and finally place it's ashes on the compost heap.
Hint: Your email is unlikely to be read.

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

I was just thinking about adding a filter for this! I think it won't be many though, because I've already unsubscribed from a lot of things this year.

Kevin »

Framasoft the company behind Peertube which is a free and open source YouTube alternative is looking for donations to reach their budget for 2025.

Please donate if you can!

sabunia »


I watched live on TV as Guram Rogava, was assaulted by one of the unmarked "police" operatives, while he was reporting on brutality against protesters in

Politicians and activists are targeted explicitly, what seems to be a clear punitive operation.


sabunia »

This is an exact moment when Guram was assaulted!

Stanislas Zanko » 🤖

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

peekaboo skills just leveled up

MissInformation »

Hey, we are "Head Cleaner" and this is our new album "Play Both Sides"

an orange vintage cassete tape with black stipes labeld: "Head Cleaner" and at the bottom part "Play Both Sides".
made by TapeLine. orange vintage cassete tape with black stipes labeld: "Head Cleaner" and at the bottom part "Play Both Sides". made by TapeLine.


Justine Smithies »

OK so I made and flashed my own custom boot logo onto my and I think it looks OK. The photo doesn't do it justice.

A photo of my ThinkPad displaying my new custom boot logo which has the FreeBSD orb logo at the top and the text in white saying "Think" with a red circle replacing the dot above the I. Then the text continues but in red "FreeBSD"

Alt...A photo of my ThinkPad displaying my new custom boot logo which has the FreeBSD orb logo at the top and the text in white saying "Think" with a red circle replacing the dot above the I. Then the text continues but in red "FreeBSD"


Lorenz (xha) »

@justine that is really cool! though how did you do that, aren't they signing their ROMs or something? :D


Justine Smithies »

Thank you and the instructions are on my blog here although be careful not to brick your ThinkPad. 😉

Neil Brown »

@justine I love it!


Justine Smithies »

Thank you Neil ! Somebody asked about the copyright part of using "Think" and I too wondered where I'd stand ?


Neil Brown »

As long as you are just using it on your own machine, and you are not distributing it, I'd imagine that any risk would be marginal.


Justine Smithies »

Oh of course and if it goes Pete Tong can I get a Christmas card in jail ? 😉

EnigmaRotor ⁂ »

@justine this thing gets incredibly sexy. No surprise that Black&red are often mixed together in lingerie. Seems like I am very reactive to such combination, on laptops too.


Justine Smithies »

I'll take that description of sexy for my boot logo photo thanks. Now stay clear of those ThinkPad sales. 🤣

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

I followed your blog post and changed it on my T420s, but I used the Thinkpad logo on the link you provided with some logos. It's huge and takes up whole screen. I think® I want to make something similar to this but Think Void, since i'm running Void Linux.


Justine Smithies »

Well Sam if you want I could email you the Gimp XCF file that you could edit and then export as LOGO.GIF and it should fit nicely if your screen is a 1920 x 1080 ?

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

sounds great! My email can easily be deduced from my fediverse address


Justine Smithies »

Perfect. Hopefully it's sent.

івась тарасик »

@justine it's beautiful! can i have one too? :-)


Justine Smithies »

Due to the popularity of my earlier toot above I'm wondering wether I should take a gamble and edit my blog post "Updating the BIOS and boot logo on a ThinkPad P14s running FreeBSD" ? This edit would include the LOGO.GIF file that I made, and for the more adventurous the Gimp template xcf that's suitable for a 1920x1080 screen. That way folk can swap out the logo and the text FreeBSD to whatever they please.
What do you all think ? Is it worth me going to jail for some trademark or copyright issue if I've stepped on some big corps toes ? 😜

Daniel Pomarède »

Zebra Rock, a mysterious rock with black and white stripes, captured by Perseverance in Stereo3D

To go 3D: eyes' lines of sight parallel/left image for left eye/right image for right eye

Calibrated images by the Mastcam-Z team at Arizona State Univ., Sol 1268, Sep. 13, 2024


14mission »

@pomarede As both a fan of Victorian stereopticons and space exploration, I love seeing these!

cagraphics »

Hey :)
“To go 3D: eyes' lines of sight parallel/left image for left eye/right image for right eye”
I get the concept. But how do you do it?


Daniel Pomarède »

@cagraphics thanks for your interest! On a smartphone you can download the image, display it fullscreen in landscape mode, for a standard sized screen, you should have the left image in front on left eye, and right image in front of right eye, that should work. On a computer browser, you can click on the image, and adapt the size of the browser, so that the two images go in front of your eyes.


Daniel Pomarède »

@cagraphics More generally, one's eyes' centers are separated by 6.5 cm in average. The centers of the 2 images should be separated by that much to get it working. Hope that's useful! Cheers, Daniel

cagraphics »

@pomarede alright thank you!
That is actually what i’ve been trying…not there yet. got a little weird eyed from it … will give it another try tomorrow.

Ohsin »

@cagraphics @pomarede I find cross-viewing much easier than parallel viewing. Here is cross-view version, to view it just cross your eyes and make the two sides overlap to see it in 3D.

Zebra Rock captured by Perseverance in Stereo3D (crossview version)

Alt...Zebra Rock captured by Perseverance in Stereo3D (crossview version)


Daniel Pomarède »

@Ohsin Thanks that's great! In my case I prefer parallel viewing: cross-eyed viewing gives me a headache! Cheers, Daniel

Aldous Watts »

@pomarede it looks like the images are on the wrong side for the proper stereoscopic effect. i got the cross-eyed focus to work, but it was lookin' off, like i've seen when the images are reversed, a very uncanny anti-3D. i switched the image sides in paint and tried again, and it looks MUCH better.

this is SO cool though!

Veronica Explains »

KDE Plasma


McZee »

@vkc absolutely

Linkzim »

@vkc years ago it would be Kde Klasma

Koutsie »

@vkc yep

a picture of my desktop is your son desktop were on the left screen there are some plasma my going on and on the rights for there's a space with a black sun at the top of there's a default kde the panel.

Alt...a picture of my desktop is your son desktop were on the left screen there are some plasma my going on and on the rights for there's a space with a black sun at the top of there's a default kde the panel.

TronNerd82 »

@vkc based but I prefer dwm personally. To each their own.

Max Almonte »

@vkc wouldn't that imply the existence of KDE Solid, KDE Liquid, and KDE Gas!?

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

or LCD and LED


ducksauz 🦆 »


"KDE Plasma" implies the existence of "KDE Platelets" and "KDE Whole Blood"

Ertain »

@vkc It's great for Steam Decks.😃

Inaction Figure »


I prefer KDE Plasma.

Other Desktop Environments are available.

Dad of Light »

@vkc I really wanted to like it but for some reason I’m too noob to figure out, my computer hardware doesn’t play nice with KDE Plasma, especially Bluetooth. Gnome is the only DE that has no issues and works flawlessly ;_;

That said, I love being able to have options with Linux!

Ronoaldo Pereira »

@vkc I used to switch back and forth with Gnome but now I'm running KDE for the past few years. My favorite DE 😀

nfilipes »

KDE Plasma for a classic desktop interface
GNOME for accessibility and mobile hardware

Mr. Completely »

In the justly derided later seasons of the X-Files, they produced one masterpiece episode, easily among the all time best: The Lost Art Of Forehead Sweat. The "peak" of that ep is this scene, in which Dr. They explains exactly what's happened in the last decade. This is the ballgame. Watch it or not, it probably won't matter. But you should.


Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

@mrcompletely Holy shit


Mr. Completely »

@drewphish I mean there it is.


Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

@mrcompletely It's like the person who wrote this had a time machine. Eery.


Mr. Completely »

@drewphish funny that everyone thinks this is old. It's from 2018.


Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

@mrcompletely I had no idea that show was still around then. None!


JoshAlcorn »

@drewphish @mrcompletely Those statues are amazing! Any idea where they are or what they're called? Full disclosure: this is the first bit of X-Files I've ever watched (and I'm 44!). So apologies in advance if they're a big part of the show.

Mr. Completely »

@drewphish they did a few seasons widely spaced after the main run of the show. This is the only great thing they came up with in that time.

Brian Vastag »

@drewphish @mrcompletely Darin Morgan wrote many of the best episodes. This should have been the wrap-up for the show. It's a perfect ending.

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.65 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Added a new user option to disable automatic follow confirmations (follow requests must be manually approved from the people page).

The search box also searches for accounts (via webfinger).

New command-line action import_list, to import a Mastodon list in CSV format (so that Mastodon Follow Packs can be directly used).

New command-line action import_block_list, to import a Mastodon list of accounts to be blocked in CSV format.

If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay:


sergiodj »

Uploaded to Debian unstable and bookworm-backports!


The Real Grunfink »

Thank you so much, Sergio!

Shamar »


Did you see this PR?

On top of that I'm also trying to hack a CGI+Crontab version of snac, but it's not ready yet.


The Real Grunfink »

Sorry, I overlooked it.

Please, also create a text file in the examples/ directory with your description in the first comment on how to compile snac with musl (for other people to know how to do it without resourcing to the repository), and I'll merge it.

On top of that I'm also trying to hack a CGI+Crontab version of snac, but it's not ready yet.
I think this is very hard to do, but I'll take a look at your proposal when it's ready.



Shamar »


Nop, I'll add an example in the following days... :-)

As for the CGI+Crontab version, actually it's not that hard to hack something together with minimal changes to existing code and few new source files, but I'm facing a couple of issues that suggests a proper fork:

1. the CGI ends up being larger than 6Mb because of curl & openssl that, as far as I can tell, are not needed because all the CGI has to do is to save the proper queue item on the filesystem
2. no command handle the global queue alone

The second issue is quite easy to solve with minimal changes and could help everybody.

The first however requires a lot of careful reorganization of the code.

On the other hand, I don't like the idea of a fork diverging too much, first because you are doing a great work here so much I think deserves much more visibility.

And yet, technically speaking, a fork would make much sense to keep both code bases clean and focused to their use case.

ティージェーグレェ »

I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.65 here:

GitHub Actions Continuous Integration checks are currently running (two are queued. Hopefully those will go smoothly, but I know at least one of them in particular seems to take an awfully long time recently).

Thanks again to you and other snac contributors for continuing to improve what continues to be my favorite ActivityPub implementation!

Oh, also since this PR was merged: It appears as if snac is now building correctly on older versions of OS X that were throwing up errors in under "Port Health" from I do have older Mac systems, but wasn't testing on much older OS versions, so I kind of turned a blind eye to the errors that IIRC were showing up on OS X High Sierra back through Lion? Those seem to be working now too! (Though again, I haven't tested such systems personally and won't dig through my storage unit to exhume old hardware of mine to do so for the foreseeable short term future).


The Real Grunfink »

It appears as if snac is now building correctly on older versions of OS X that were throwing up errors [...]
Well, that is great. I don't know what change could be the one that fixed that, but I'm happy to know about it.


ティージェーグレェ »

Oh, MacPorts has a pretty convoluted set of compilers available (some versions of OS X are so old, they're before Apple moved from gcc to llvm/clang), and some versions have bugs. So the Pull Request there I think was basically trying to exclude known buggy compilers which seems to have done the trick. For example, this earlier Pull Request also apparently fixed snac for MacPorts users who were using version 4.2 of gcc:

To be honest, some of that stuff is a bit over my head, there was a rather involved discussion on the macports-dev mailing list recently to try to determine which versions of gcc should be abandoned, which should be maintained, and which ones might require other versions for boot strapping. Clearly, there are some MacPorts devs who really care about supporting older versions of OS X, and I think that is great! But I only have so many spoons personally. Regardless, I still prefer the MacPorts approach to say, Homebrew (which only supports the current Apple macOS release and two previous OS releases).

Moreover, Homebrew also has "analytics" on by default and I don't like that either as it is invasive and anti-privacy in nature. There are other package managers which are similarly bad, e.g. Microsoft's vcpkg. MacPorts does allow for analytics, if users want they can opt-in by installing mpstats (based on it appears as if roughly 1100 people have it installed?) to provide some statistics to the MacPorts project, but it is a sub-sampling, at best. Currently, MacPorts has only 1 snac user listed, which means that only one of those 1100 or so MacPorts users who has installed mpstats has also installed snac? I am not that user, and given that I have also not been the only one submitting Pull Requests related to snac in MacPorts, I am guessing that there might be more snac users using MacPorts than merely 1? Just a guess though! I am OK not knowing and leaving MacPorts' users their personal privacy on by default.


The Real Grunfink »

All that sounds like a very complicated (though unavoidable) setup. Anyway, I'm glad to know that older systems are still being maintained and cared about, and that support on them is improving.


The Real Grunfink »

This is interesting:

Mastodon Follow Pack FAQ 1.0:

What are Follow Packs?

They are just packaged topical lists of up to 35 accounts you can follow from your Mastodon or other Fediverse account. You can follow the entire pack by importing a file. And the entire pack loads into a list, so it becomes a feed for that subject. You can also just browse for accounts you might want to follow individually.

So, they’re like Bluesky Starter Packs?

Yes, but not quite as convenient. It’s not hard, but because Mastodon does not have a one-click way to do this, you need to download a follow pack file and then use Mastodon’s import facility. Instructions are provided in the directory and also below.

These "follow packs" can also be used from pretty easily. To do it, just download the list you are interested in and run the following command for each one:

snac import_list $BASE_DIR $USER_ID /path/to/the/file.csv
The list will be created and the accounts inside followed. After that, you'll find a link to the list at the top of your private timeline. Please, take note that these lists are not automatically populated; they will eventually fill with the new posts from the new accounts, that will also appear in your timeline.

snac's web UI does not allow maintaining these lists, but you can do it with any Mastodon API client or from (which is, em, also a Mastodon API client).

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

should the command be snac import_csv... ?


The Real Grunfink »

No; import_list is the one. It's new in the 2.65 release.

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

thanks, going to update now!


Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

30 years ago today I was on the rail for the first time ever at a show.

The first ever glowstick war that occurred during the Harpua was one of the only times I've seen the band legitimately shocked.

Green glowsticks started pouring from the balcony above Page + the band had no idea...


The setlist for Phish's show on 11/25/84 at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.

Alt...The setlist for Phish's show on 11/25/84 at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.


Drew but 11/28/97 YEM » idea what the hell was going on. I think even Mike smiled so you know it was serious. You can hear the crowd going nuts on the tapes.

At one point Trey caught a glowstick and threw it back and the place went nuts.

Musically, the Weekapaug->Mango segue was one of the best I've ever...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

...been in the building for. They just suddenly slammed on the brakes and were playing Mango. Magical.

This show was the day after Thanksgiving. We took the L down from Evanston and arrived at the venue at 12:30. We walked around the building and couldn't figure out where the line was going...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM » be so we asked someone who looked like he might be working. He laughed and said "For the show in 7 hours?" Keep in mind this was late November in Chicago so it was cold AF.

He pointed to where the line started and we waited. Within a half hour some kid showed up who told us he had just...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

...dropped out of high school the week before to follow . That kid's name? Antelope Greg. It was his fourth show or something like that.

We were the first people in the door and made a beeline for right in front of Mike. I was obsessed with the song Tube at the time (kind of still am)...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

...and made a sign that I figured would get his attention.

The sign read "Tube for Bill Schechter". Mike and I went to the same high school and both had a history teacher named Bill Schechter. This guy is the kind of teacher who you never, ever forget. I credit him with teaching me how to...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

...think critically. Like, a life-changing teacher that stays with you for the rest of your life. So I figured I would get Mike's attention by dropping Bill's name with absolutely zero context whatsoever.

Boy did my sign work. (Well, they sure AF didn't play Tube so not really LMAO).



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

But Mike had to have looked at me 40 times during the opening Llama. Not kidding. He was trying to place me and of course couldn't. I got my sign read! I just didn't yet realize that successful request are *only* made to Trey and before shows.

But Bill Schechter and I sure had a good laugh...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM »

...about this when I saw him the next time. "And they didn't play the song??" he said. No but I would get a year later so all good.

Side note: I took Bill Schechter to one show and it was 11/28/97. He *instantly* got it. The You Enjoy Myself in the 2-slot rewired his brain. He slipped a note...



Drew but 11/28/97 YEM » a roadie that night and ended up getting a really nice note back from Mike who remembered him fondly.

Anyways, 11/25/94 was a blast and one of my best friend in the world's first show and I slept in my own bed and 1994 is the fucking best.

Don't miss that segue!



aburtch »

@drewphish What a great story!!

Space Wrangler »


Love this tour story - thanks for sharing [in the groove] !!!

Brian »

@drewphish Thanks for sharing this.

neddyo »

@drewphish love this story!

Black-Eyed Katydid »

@drewphish mad props to Mr. Schechter!

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

great story and great setlist! I'm going to have to have a listen

Khou »

@drewphish this was indeed a great show (and I made it home and slept in my own bed too. Loved that Mango, always makes me smile!

PeerTube »

Wanna help ?
We need tests and feedbacks on our future mobile app!

Whether on iOS, Play Store or with an apk, download our test version and share your feedback on here:

You have until dec. 8th to share, test and help us have a great release!


alton »

@peertube Hi! My instance isn’t showing up. Do I need to enable a configuration option! Thanks!



@alton @peertube it seems that it's not supported ATM:(


alton »

@lps @peertube @alton Thanks for the update. That’s unfortunate. Hope it gets added soon.


PeerTube »

@alton @lps Hi, we'll progressively add other instances. We (unfortunately) limited the list for the first release in order to pass store validations. We also plan to release an "unlocked" app on F-Droid.


alton »

@peertube @alton @lps Makes sense. Will you have to check off and validate every instance to be allowed on the App Store? Guessing on each instance the usual stuff will be restricted.


PeerTube »

@alton @lps We're not sure yet, it's the reason why we're progressing slowly :)

EighthLayer »

@peertube Hi. Just wondering if we’re supposed to be able to login to our own accounts? Is it just local account only at the moment?


Ⓜ3️⃣3️⃣ 🌌 »

@EighthLayer @peertube same question...?


PeerTube »

@m33 @EighthLayer

It's just a local account right now (that's what we meant by mentioning "Features related to logged-in accounts" in the limitations.

But it's planned and coming ;)


EighthLayer »

@peertube @m33 Okay no worries. I thought that may be the case, but wanted to check. Thanks for your reply! 👍

hex »

@peertube probably the biggest feature immediately missing is the ability to manually add instances. That makes it unusable to me, unfortunately. Looking forward to seeing it improve.


Mr. Funk E. Dude »

@Hex @peertube I agree 100%. As it stands the mobile browser experience is better then what they are showing us today. Which seems to be nothing more then a search engine that only searches select instances. I couldn't find my instance or any of the 267 videos I have on it.

Very disappointed.


PeerTube »

@Mrfunkedude @Hex We'll progressively add other instances. We (unfortunately) limited the list for the first release in order to pass store validations. We also plan to release an "unlocked" app on F-Droid.


Mr. Funk E. Dude »

@peertube @Hex will there be a point that the user can add instances themselves?


PeerTube »

@Mrfunkedude @Hex Yes we'll try to add this feature but we're taking it slow, app verification for this kind of application is a little bit "touchy"

Inuit »

@peertube Dès les premières minutes de test je remarque que le visionnage de vidéos n'empêche pas mon téléphone de se mettre en veille, j'ai même l'impression que ça survient plus rapidement avec Peertube qu'avec d'autres applications.

Sera-t-il possible de s'abonner localement à des chaînes sans être enregistré (de la même manière que @FreeTube) ?


PeerTube »

@inuit @FreeTube Merci pour le rapport de bug ! Et non malheureusement il n'est pas prévu de s'abonner sans compte

PtiBouchon »

@peertube where is the public source code repo ?


PeerTube »

@ptibouchon Will be available soon, we're still cleaning up the code :)

Cyril I. 🧮📐 »

Thanks for that ! That was really missing and can really help students (and people) accessing free contents ! 👍

However, I can't find this instance:

Actually, I don't even know if I'm looking for it in the right place in the app...

Moreover, I try to manage my profile. I didn't find the place to put my name, instance, password etc.

Thanks again for that great work. 😉


PeerTube »

@nicolay_lilicre Hi, we'll progressively add other instances. We (unfortunately) limited the list for the first release in order to pass store validations. We also plan to release an "unlocked" app on F-Droid. And the logged-in account related features will be available in the following months :)

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

looking forward to f-droid version or even an apk download. I'm using instance.


Kinetix »

@peertube @nicolay_lilicre I don't understand the "progressively add other instances" part. If there's just a dialog box to have the user set the instance, how would this be something Google or Apple would scrutinize? I can totally see them scrutinizing instances that are added in to the app itself, but allowing all instances via dialog, I don't see how that would be scrutinized since it's no different than a browser's address bar or any other fediverse software that does nothing until you punch in an instance for it to connect to.


PeerTube »

@kinetix @nicolay_lilicre I agree with you, so I think we'll add this custom bar soon but it's still a risk because store validation doesn't always follow a "logical" approach: big web browsers may have more rights than a small new app.

Kinetix »

@peertube Not sure how this is considered Beta when one can’t even login to their own instance. Not sure what this app would be trying to accomplish without that being there.


PeerTube »

@kinetix Will be available soon but gathering feedback and bugs at stage point is very valuable for us 😊

EngiQueering »

@peertube very frustrating that the first priority here wasn’t making it possible to log into an instance, or at least manually add your favorites. Trying to be optimistic here but this preview is unusable for me (literally none of the instances I watch videos from are here), and seems like it’s taking a very “walled garden” approach that feels antithetical to the whole point of the federated net


PeerTube »

@engiqueering We understand your frustration. An "unlocked" app will be available on F-Droid, and the logged-in account features will also be available in the following months :)


EngiQueering »

@peertube is there a timeline for an iOS version as well?


PeerTube »

@engiqueering You mean an "unlocked" app on iOS?


EngiQueering »

@peertube yes, will the unlocked iOS version come out alongside the unlocked android version?


PeerTube »

@engiqueering Is there an alternative store on iOS like F-Droid for Android? (I'm not the dev of the application, so I'm not an expert of the iOS ecosystem :) )


EngiQueering »

@peertube No, apple devices are required to use the managed app store, however an iOS app was promised last year (

I know several people who *want* to use peertube regularly, but the lack of a mobile app is a barrier to entry. Currently there *no* iOS peertube client but several Android ones (Thorium, P2Play, etc), it is a serious problem for adoption that half the mobile market has no native app

lps »

@peertube Is anyone familiar with how allowed users to verify themselves for chat via another accounts?

I have a distinct feeling that most users will have no interest in actually joining a peertube instance if they only want to comment on videos, create playlists, subscribe from Mastodon/or other fediverse servers ... this would remove the "what is an instance? This is too complicated " that we heard adnausem about Mastodon. @dansup please help, you make amazing apps.

Victor Villas »

@peertube An iOS app means soon enough also a tvOS app too? I’d love to stop having to airplay stuff to my TV from my phone 😭


PeerTube »

@villasbc Maybe next year if we manage to fund our roadmap! :)

Nick🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 »

Just out of curiosity... Is there even thougths of a fediverse app that could compete with Spotify? That would be brilliant


Nick🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 »

@FediTips might know better


Fedi.Tips 🎄 »


Nearest I can think of is the Fediverse music platform @funkwhale , more info at


Nick🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 »

@FediTips @funkwhale ah brilliant thanks very much. I'll deff have a look at it

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

are there any snac users that are successfully following someone on bluesky via bridge? I'm just wanting to verify that it's working before I tell friends on bluesky how to bridge their account. Any recommended accounts to follow that are already bridged?


Jonathan Rollans »

The bridge has been working fairly well for me and I see other posts from time to time from folks on Bluesky that I don’t follow. However, I saw a day or two ago that the bridge had been temporarily paused due to the massive influx of new users. Not sure if it’s been fired up again yet!

zirias (on snac) »

When running your own , some suddenly looks helplessly ridiculous. 😏

Screenshot of a scam mail claiming my email storage was full, with an xterm on top showing the space available on the ZFS dataset storing all mails.

Alt...Screenshot of a scam mail claiming my email storage was full, with an xterm on top showing the space available on the ZFS dataset storing all mails.

Clive Thompson »

In 1945, the US War Department realized that its soldiers stationed in Europe fighting the Nazis probably needed a good pamphlet explaining what fascism was, and how it occurs ...

... so they wrote one

and in it, they noted that America was not at all immune to this

So they explained how fascism would come to the US

Heather Cox Richardson writes about it in the latest edition of her newsletter: heathercoxrichardson.substack.

A screenshot reading:

The War Department thought it was important for Americans to understand the tactics fascists would use to take power in the United States. They would try to gain power “under the guise of ‘super-patriotism’ and ‘super-Americanism.” And they would use three techniques:

First, they would pit religious, racial, and economic groups against one another to break down national unity. Part of that effort to divide and conquer would be a “well- planned ‘hate campaign’ against minority races, religions, and other groups.”

Second, they would deny any need for international cooperation, because that would fly in the face of their insistence that their supporters were better than everyone else. “In place of international cooperation, the fascists seek to substitute a perverted sort of ultra-nationalism which tells their people that they are the only people in the world who count. With this goes hatred and suspicion toward the people of all other nations.”

Third, fascists would insist that “the world has but two choices—either fascism or communism, and they label as ‘communists’ everyone who refuses to support them.” It is “vitally important” to learn to spot native fascists, the government said, “even though they adopt names and slogans with popular appeal, drape themselves with the American flag, and attempt to carry out their program in the name of the democracy they are trying to destroy.”

Alt...A screenshot reading: The War Department thought it was important for Americans to understand the tactics fascists would use to take power in the United States. They would try to gain power “under the guise of ‘super-patriotism’ and ‘super-Americanism.” And they would use three techniques: First, they would pit religious, racial, and economic groups against one another to break down national unity. Part of that effort to divide and conquer would be a “well- planned ‘hate campaign’ against minority races, religions, and other groups.” Second, they would deny any need for international cooperation, because that would fly in the face of their insistence that their supporters were better than everyone else. “In place of international cooperation, the fascists seek to substitute a perverted sort of ultra-nationalism which tells their people that they are the only people in the world who count. With this goes hatred and suspicion toward the people of all other nations.” Third, fascists would insist that “the world has but two choices—either fascism or communism, and they label as ‘communists’ everyone who refuses to support them.” It is “vitally important” to learn to spot native fascists, the government said, “even though they adopt names and slogans with popular appeal, drape themselves with the American flag, and attempt to carry out their program in the name of the democracy they are trying to destroy.”

Luca Weiss »

Changing phone number on messaging apps.

: Confirm your new phone number, done.

: Confirm your new phone number, done.

: Confirm your new phone number. Have 50 new notifications "You were added to this group" for all the groups that I'm part of since the last many years. At least it kept the chat history, I'd have expected it to lose that also, based on other contacts that have changed their number at some point.

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

My wife's family has a vineyard in the country Georgia that is going to need tending to, and I'm interested in learning it. I know a few people there that could teach me. However, I'm going to need to find a way to support ourselves there. We don't have to worry about rent, but we'll need money for food, clothes, electric, water, internet, etc. It's a cheap country to live in, but there's not a lot of opportunities for work (especially given that my Georgian is terrible.)

Perhaps, after some time I could make a business out of the vineyard, but I'm not sure if they really have enough land for that. I'm thinking about things like having people come to work on the vineyard, try the wine etc. Apparently, people do that just for the experience. Also, could do a bed & breakfast type thing at the house, but the house needs a little work (bathroom, shower...)

Any thoughts anybody?

Luca Weiss »

Coming soon to a 5 running @postmarketOS near you!

Alt...A Fairphone 5 running postmarketOS showing off the rear (ultra-wide) camera and front camera using the GNOME Camera app.


Sashin »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS How well does postmarketos work on the fairphone 5 anyway? Do android apps tend to work fine using waydroid?

I'm actually getting a fairphone 5 soon!


Luca Weiss »

@sashin Quite well, see the Features sidebar on

But there's still some things missing, so don't expect to daily drive it or be without problems. Also not sure about the battery life yet.


Sashin »

@z3ntu hmmm... Maybe I'll daily drive lineageOS or /e/is for now and try it with a microsd or something

Will consider switching when its stable :)

A-wai »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS Oooh, nice, well done!

DefectiveWings ✈️ »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS

Just wish I could get my hands on one in the US.

fossdd » 🤖

@z3ntu wow thats crazy

justsoup »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS Well I now know what device I am getting when my old one dies (or gets too old because Android does that and its bootloader cannot be unlocked.)

PublicLewdness »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS

Take your time, still can't get a Fairphone in Canada yet. Thank you for the effort regardless.

Oleksii »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS
Great progress, Congrats.

I have same set up, but no camera found


Oleksii »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS If it's possible to share solution, I can pull and test it.


Luca Weiss »

@Oleksii Run "mrtest add 5821" :)


Oleksii »

@z3ntu If it's possible could you educate me a bit?
How can I run it?
I am full time web developer I already knows something 😃
I got a link to a PR, but I haven't worked with this type of sources yet.
Thank you.


saligari »

@Oleksii @z3ntu @postmarketOS Does external display work? Have you tried hooking it up with a usbc dock to hdmi?


Luca Weiss »

@saligari @Oleksii @postmarketOS Yes, Fairphone 5 works fine there.
Fairphone 4 is WIP, it works with a special kernel branch but currently the phone will stop charging with that since it touches some Type-C bits and there's no charger driver, but otherwise also there it works.

Val Packett 🧉 »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS already with a fancy instagram-like filter built in!


Sebastian »

@z3ntu @pojntfx @postmarketOS I don’t get it. It has a camera?


Luca Weiss »

@moehrenfeld This is using mainline kernel and no proprietary blobs, the only way the camera works on the Android stack is with a bunch of proprietary blobs.


Sebastian »

@z3ntu Ahh! I see. Now it makes sense.

hexaheximal »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS does the fp5 ship to the us yet? I really like what fairphone is doing (repairability, better relationship with mobile linux community, eu company, etc.) but last time I checked they didn't ship to the us :(

dieTasse »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS that battery percentage could tell stories 😀


Luca Weiss »

@dieTasse I didn't boot up the ADSP for the video, that's why there's no battery percentage reported, and the UI displaying 0%.

Niko »

@z3ntu @postmarketOS @Fairphone Beautiful work! I wish they would ship to the US!

tiddy roosevelt »

There's a lot of petty shit slinging between users of different platforms, each declaring theirs best and others terrible.
Most platforms are extremely diverse and everyone's experience of them is going to differ.

Use whichever social media platforms you feel comfortable with and want to use. If that's fedi software, great! If it's not, that's great too!
You're going to know what suits your needs and tastes best and be able to weigh up what's most important feature-wise for you.


tiddy roosevelt »

Users being snarky about other platforms are one of the things that will turn people off their networks of choice. It's one of the reasons I haven't bothered investing any time in bluesky, as my first days there was a torrent of shitty barbs about mastodon users.
I've also seen friends put off joining mastodon servers from both bluesky and twitter for the same reasons. It feels hostile and does nothing to encourage people to stay.


Big Pawed Bear »

@babe this is pettie shit that is pointless.

tiddy roosevelt »

Anyway, my recommendation is myspace, or IRC if you're feeling spicy


b3lt3r »

@babe ICQ not good enough for you eh? 🙂


tiddy roosevelt »

@b3lt3r They shut it down :(


b3lt3r »

@babe ah - that explains why my password wouldn't work - my user # is still burned into my brain....

MasterMischief »

@babe People want to feel better about themselves for picking the 'right' team first.

Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully »

@babe the seductive lure of slackware users mocking windows users


tiddy roosevelt »

@Kierkegaanks Or arch users mocking literally everyone

tiddy roosevelt »

Is there a fedi myspace alternative yet?


Crow »

@babe I'm willing to bet that SpaceHey wouldn't be hard to reverse engineer for federated instances

Luca Weiss »

My summer holiday this year was going to Tbilisi, Georgia (mostly) by train!

And I've now finally written a blog post about it with quite some details. It was really an amazing trip that I can highly recommend!

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sam ✅🇬🇪 » in Georgia, "markhva" (მარხვა) might help you find some vegan options. It means "fasting" and Orthodox Christians there will often fast on Wednesdays and Fridays and there are some longer fast periods during the year. I think the Mcdonalds even has markhva options, although i wouldn't recommend them!

Great read! I'd love to take a train across Europe some time. I'd also like to read more about your time in Georgia if you write about it!


Luca Weiss »

@sam Thanks for the nice response!
I might do another post with a more detailed itinerary of that trip, which trains or buses at which times. But for what I did in especially Tbilisi and Batumi you can also easily find on wikivoyage so there's not much for me to contribute imo.

And even writing this post took quite some hours and as you can see on my blog, I'm not a regular blog writer, more just write something in case it comes up. :)

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

Badrijani nigvziani (ბადრიჯანი ნიგვზიანი), fried eggplant with a walnut and garlic sauce, is really good. Might not fill you up, possibly best as a side dish, but one of my favorites.


Luca Weiss »

@sam That also sounds delicious! Definitely have to try the next time I'm in Georgia - though that might be a while 😢

m0xEE »

Somehow first I come across this post of yours on Antenna in Geminispace and then… From Amsterdam to Tbilisi? Sounds familiar — I stumble across it randomly on Fedi 😄
It's a small world!


Luca Weiss »

@m0xee I'm glad people are interested in it, took quite some time to write :)

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.63 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

The server can now act as a proxy for all image, audio or video media coming from other account's posts (both from the Web UI and the Mastodon API). This way, other servers will see media requests coming from the server IP, not the user's, improving privacy. This is controlled by setting the proxy_media boolean field to server.json to true.

The strict_public_timelines option introduced in the previous release now works correctly.

Fixed a crash when posting from the links browser.

Fixed some repeated images from Lemmy posts.

Fixed a crash when posting an image from the tooot mobile app.

Updated FreeBSD rc script: the server process is now managed by the daemon(8) utility (contributed by

RSS feeds are now in 2.0 version instead of 0.91.

If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay:

This release has been inspired by the song New Moon (Dark Phase) by .


ティージェーグレェ »

I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.63 here:

GitHub Actions Continuous Integration checks are running (2 of 3 have passed already which is a good sign).

It's up to someone else with commit access to merge it.

Thank you again for your continued improvements (and also, thanks for not releasing on a Friday! The slacker in me is still 8 hours behind up stream, maybe I can blame time zones? ;)


The Real Grunfink »

thanks for not releasing on a Friday! The slacker in me is still 8 hours behind up stream

I usually release on Thursdays (unless something serious happened), in case someone wants to play with as a weekend project 😉

sergiodj » I'll start preparing the Debian uploads soon. Thanks for the release!


Stefan »

I updated snac2 from debian backports and did an account migration to snac.
Everything went well. Thanks!


Shamar »


Hi, I managed to build a statically linked with musl (and zlib, curl and openssl).

Now I realized that I could deploy it as a FastCGI, but I wonder how I could stop a running process on snac update.

Is there a kill switch one could toggle eg by creating an empty file with a specific name under the data dir? Or maybe a version file that is periodically checked by snac processes that exit() when you start a new version?

Or maybe something even simpler I'm missing?

Also, I've read that snac now support unix domain sockets, but I can't find anything about that in the doc... where should I look?



The Real Grunfink »

Hi. The only way to stop a server is by sending it a signal with the kill command, or by configuring it under a service control system like systemd, or rc file, and stopping it from there. You have many examples of how to do this in the examples/ directory of the source repository.

Regarding the use of a Unix socket, just set the address field with the full path to it (instead of an IP address), like described in snac(8), the Administrator Manual:


Shamar »


Thanks, I've seen handles SIGINT by terminating politely.

does it save a pidfile somewhere?

I can't find any in the data/ dir and I can't find an entry in the server.json


The Real Grunfink »

does it save a pidfile somewhere?
It doesn't, but I'll implement it right now.

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sam ✅🇬🇪 » how did you get the newlines in your user bio? I have tried a br tag(which works in a post I just learned), 2 spaces and enter, and I think something I read about a backslash and 2 spaces(can't remember exactly)


Justine Smithies »

I think it was just two spaces and enter

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sam ✅🇬🇪 »

it might just be something in my css. If I view my snac profile from mastodon or lemmy, then the newline works.

Raphael Mimoun רפאל מימון »

Journalist: Do you believe that Israel has a right to exist?

UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese:

Alt...Albanese responds to the journalist's question saying there is no such thing as a state's right to exist but there is a right for peoples to exist
