
recipes : Penovani Khachapuri

no long stories, just the recipes

Here is a recipe for some Georgian cheesebread called khachapuri. There are several varieties of khachapuri. This recipe is for Penovani Khachapuri (ფენოვანი ხაჭაპური), which means "layered khachapuri."


Thaw the puff pastry sheets according to the package instructions. Roll the pastry sheets out, use some flour so it doesn't stick. The pastry sheet needs to be slightly larger than cookie sheet. Place first pastry sheet on the cookie sheet. Mix 2 egg yolks, shredded cheese and salt. Add this mixture to the top of first pastry sheet.

Cover with the 2nd pastry sheet. Crimp the 2 pastry sheets together around the edges to make a good seal. Otherwise, your cheese will leak out when it bakes.

Mix remaining egg yolk and a little milk and then brush on to the top of the khachapuri. Use a fork and poke a few holes in top of dough. This will help prevent it from bubbling.

Bake at 375° F for about 35-40 minutes. Slice into squares. It's best when it's hot and fresh!

Serve with lots of wine(For ages 21 and over only)!


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