
recipes : Low Sodium Beefy Beef Stew

no long stories, just the recipes

I've been trying low sodium recipes lately and made this based off of the recipe found here. I wanted a lower sodium and lower calorie version, so I left out the salt and potatoes. I might try it with the potato sometime like a normal person, but I don't think I'd use the green pepper in this stew.


  1. heat oil in skillet and brown the beef

  2. In a soup pot mix broth, bay leaf, black pepper, red pepper, garlic powder and red wine vinegar and bring to a boil.

  3. add celery, carrots, onion and beef to the broth. Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes or until vegetables are done. Remove the bay leaf

  4. mix cold water and flour and stir into the pot. Heat to boiling and stir constantly for 1 minute until thickened.


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