
recipes : Gupta

no long stories, just the recipes


momzaebis wesi:

davchrat xaxvi da gavyot shuaze, naxevari gulistvis, naxevari wvenistvis. dachril naxevar tav xaxvs shevuriot xorci, 1/2 chiuqa brinji, mwvanili, kvercxi rom sheikras ingredientebi kargad, kargia sunelebic... avzilot ingredientebi ertmanetshi kargad da gavaketot patara burtebi...

movdagot xaxvi, roca sheibroweba xaxvi kargad davasxat wyali da davelodot wamodugebas... davchrat kartofili patara kubikebad da chavyarot qvabshi mis shemdeg roca wyali adugdeba, chavyarot darchenili 1/2 chiqa brinjic... vacadot 5 wuti, shemdeg chavalogot xorcis burtebi da vxarshot yvelaferi ertad 20-30 wuti... amis shemdeg davayarot marili gemovnebit da mwvanili. davacadot mwvanils 5 wuti, moixarshos... gufta mzadaa... gemrielad miirtvit


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