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brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio

sam's Photo
 July 06,2023 @ 21:58 : permalink

I've added social media icons for links to social media accounts on chven.us profile pages! I need to get better icons that work well with both light and dark mode of the site, but it's a start.


recent posts from blogs Sam follows

FOSS Weekly #24.29: Kernel 6.10 Release, LibreChat, Raspberry Pi for Kids, Learning Commands and More

I set up a Raspberry Pi for my three year old kid and it is going smooth.

via It's FOSS July 18, 2024

postmarketOS selected for NGI Zero Core funding / The European Union must keep funding free software

Introduction We have applied for a grant from NLnet's NGI Zero Core fund and it has been accepted! It will allow us to spend si…

via postmarketOS Blog July 17, 2024

Welcome a New Contributor!

The Void project is pleased to welcome aboard another new member, @tranzystorekk. Interested in seeing your name in a future upd…

via Void news July 12, 2024

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